NPE 2024

Periplast participates in what is considered the "largest trade fair dedicated to the plastics sector in the Americas."

With over 90,000m2 of exhibition space, including six technological zones and over 2,000 exhibiting companies, NPE - The Plastics Show brings together the latest innovations in plastics, materials, and manufacturing solutions.

This edition will feature the presence of PERIPLAST, whose participation aims to present the latest equipment in the non-recyclable plastics reuse segment, namely the Plastic Lumber Extrusion Line.

This line is transforming the way urban spaces are built and designed. Plastic structural products have extremely high durability, are weather-resistant, and require no maintenance. They are manufactured from plastic waste that would otherwise end up in landfills or the oceans.

In Orlando, it is also our intention to promote the project in which we are involved, the Sustainable Plastics Mobilizing Agenda, an initiative of APIP aimed at contributing to the transition to a truly circular economy, in which we are involved with the ECOTELEPOLES Project.

Com a nossa presença nesta grande feira nos EUA pretendemos, não só dar a conhecer a empresa aos potenciais clientes com os quais temos estabelecido vários contactos, mas também reforçar a relação comercial com clientes que temos no continente americano, aproveitando assim a oportunidade para estar com eles e apresentar as novas soluções de que dispomos noutros segmentos da nossa empresa, pois nada substitui o face-to-face.”, refere Daniel Sousa, Diretor Geral da Periplast.


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Periplast apresenta inovações sustentáveis na PRSE 2024 A Periplast esteve presente na Plastics Recycling Show Europe (PRSE) 2024, realizada em Amsterdão, onde destacou as suas

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NPE 2024

Periplast participa naquela que é considerada a “maior feira dedicada ao setor dos plásticos das Américas” Com mais de 90.000m2 de espaço de exposição, incluindo

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