Project Ecotelepoles
Valorization of Post-Consumer Plastics in the development of Eco Sustainable Telecommunications Poles
Periplast is one of the companies involved in the Ecotelepoles Project, a partnership project with Proef, Vodafone, Resíduos do Nordeste, PIEP, and Resifluxo.
With the motto of valorizing post-consumer plastics, this project foresees the development of eco-sustainable telecommunications poles made from mixed plastics, as well as the study of their respective production process and equipment.
Replacement of wooden telecommunications poles, developed from Pinus pinaster or Pinus radiata (with a major constraint associated with the slow growth of these species), which are industrially treated in autoclave by double vacuum and pressure, along with a biocide, to increase their durability and prevent attacks from xylophagous agents. The biocide commonly used is a hazardous substance that will be banned by the European Commission, so the project aims to develop an alternative solution based on mixed plastics, which is more sustainable.
Considering the type of production technology to be adopted for the large-scale development of this eco-sustainable product, within the scope of the project, Periplast will also develop a fully automated equipment for Resifluxo's production of this type of product, in a clear model of circular economy and industrial symbiosis.
The Project Ecotelepoles It is part of the Mobilizing Agenda for Sustainable Plastics - Sustainable Plastics, an initiative of APIP - Portuguese Plastics Industry Association, led by Logoplaste Innovation Lab, which aims to leverage the transition of the plastic sector to a circular economy.
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Noticia Jornal de Leiria
A Periplast, empresa do Grupo Poço, de Leiria, criou um equipamento inovador que permite aos seus clientes reaproveitar plásticos não recicláveis. A tecnologia tem feito

PRSE 2024
Periplast apresenta inovações sustentáveis na PRSE 2024 A Periplast esteve presente na Plastics Recycling Show Europe (PRSE) 2024, realizada em Amsterdão, onde destacou as suas

NPE 2024
Periplast participa naquela que é considerada a “maior feira dedicada ao setor dos plásticos das Américas” Com mais de 90.000m2 de espaço de exposição, incluindo