Noticia Jornal de Leiria
A Periplast, empresa do Grupo Poço, de Leiria, criou um equipamento inovador que permite aos seus clientes reaproveitar plásticos não recicláveis. A tecnologia tem feito
The SUSTAINABLE PLASTICS Agenda aims to leverage the plastics sector in Portugal for the transition to a truly circular economy.
It arises from an initiative by APIP, led by Logoplaste Innovation Lab, which aims to mobilize the private sector along with national authorities, universities, and citizens through this Agenda, contributing to the objectives of the European Circular Economy and employment.
The Consortium of this project aims to cover all segments and sub-sectors of the Plastics Industry and address the main challenges faced by the agents of this new Extended Value Chain.
These are specific objectives of Sustainable Plastics introduce 21 innovative products into the market, obtain 36 new patents, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with production processes by 30%
Periplast is committed to meeting the ambitious goals and objectives of transitioning the sector to a Circular Economy, also contributing to a more dynamic and qualified Portugal.
A Periplast, empresa do Grupo Poço, de Leiria, criou um equipamento inovador que permite aos seus clientes reaproveitar plásticos não recicláveis. A tecnologia tem feito
Periplast apresenta inovações sustentáveis na PRSE 2024 A Periplast esteve presente na Plastics Recycling Show Europe (PRSE) 2024, realizada em Amsterdão, onde destacou as suas
Periplast participa naquela que é considerada a “maior feira dedicada ao setor dos plásticos das Américas” Com mais de 90.000m2 de espaço de exposição, incluindo
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Phone (351) 244 859 990
Email: comercial@periplast.pt
Address Rua dos Marrazes, Lote 32
Zona Industrial Cova das Faias
2415-807 Leiria